This is the Homepage for ME! Bob Fischer!

Bob greeting pict
Hello and Welcome...

This is me looking almost cool in my natural environment. Oh, the hours of make-up and preparation! (sarcasm intended)

  Want to see some more pics! Go to the Picture Gallery!  

And it HAD to be done! Visit Bob's Pet Temple!

Here are some GALLERIES I have thrown together through the years, now together at last!

Travel Galleries!


Tobago (March, 1998)

Trinidad (August 2001)

Barbados (2004-2005)

Venezuela (August 2005)

The Philippines (July 2007)

The Philippines (November 2007)

The Philippines (March/April 2008)

The Philippines (July 2008)

And for those of you with nothing better to do, click the thumbnail below for the FULL pict of the Noxious Desktop!

Here are a few cool links:

The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
This is THE site if you are interested in the greatest television show of all time!

Mac Links - Noxious Style!
Great links for Mac stuff!

The Noxious Music Page!
This page has some stuff about my adventure in Rock Music! Check it out!

Back to The Noxious Homesite!

Of course, if for whatever reason you want to contact me, please E-Mail me!

P.S. This page WILL get better. Give me some time, man!

This page designed by Noxious Net Services