The Barbados Gallery!

Here is some information about the country of Barbados and pictures from four trips I took in 2004 and 2005 to this wonderful island!

Barbados Flag

Click on the flag more more info about Barbados.

A sunset from my hotel room

The beach right outside the hotel

Waves crashing on the most northern tip of the island

Inside Harrison's Cave!

A look at the eastern coastline from the highest point on the island

A beautiful empty beach on the east coast

A view from Animal Plant Cave at the northern tip of the island

Going on a submarine ride!

Just like the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride at Disney... But real! Where's the giant Squid?!

Under the sea, I'd like to be, In an Octopusses garden with you!

One last sunset from Barbados...

U.S. Flag
U.S Embassy in Barbados

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