Halloween 2006!

Halloween Bar

Read the story and click on the links to see what happens! Click the pic to get back!
Halloween Bar

Bob's Evil Pumpkin surprises Rich at the Door!

Pic 1!

Innocent looking Pumpkin...

Pic 2!

Does the Pumpkin see Bob sneaking up on it?

Pic 3!

Bob ready to strike?

Pic 4!

Almost ready to make his move on the dangerous Evil Pumpkin!

Pic 5!

He strikes!

Pic 6!

But the Evil Pumpkin was ready! Oh no!

Pic 7!

Life and death struggle with the Evil Pumpkin!

Pic 8!

Did the Evil Pumpkin win!?!

Pic 9!

And now the Evil Pumpkin attacks Rich!

Pic 10!

Going for the jugular! Ouch!!

Pic 11!

Has Rich been pummeled by the Pumpkin?!

Pic 12!

Bob's revenge! Scooping the brains out of the Evil Pumpkin!

Pic 13!

The Evil Pumpkin reveals his true nature!

Pic 14!

Bob and Rich triump!

Pic 15!

But late Halloween, back at Bob's house, the Evil Pumpkin has OTHER plans!

Pic 16!

I miss you and wish you were here! Love, Bob

Cat and Pumpkin